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• Policy Statement
It is the policy of Energy Waves Company to be totally committed to quality fit for
the purpose and to design, construct, operate and maintain various projects at a
quality level that will meet or exceed contract requirements.
With the established quality assurance plan, we are ensuring that our construction
processes, supply and installation of equipment’s shall conform to specified
requirements of projects.
• Responsibilities
The project manager of Energy Waves Contracting Company is responsible
for implementation of the assurance system for the project. The authority for
developing and verifying implementation of the quality assurance system is
delegated to the project manager or the project under the direction of the Energy
Waves Contracting Company.
The head of each department performing quality affecting activities is responsible for establishing
and identifying duties and responsibilities of personnel who implement quality affecting activities
and planning, and selecting and training personnel to meet the requirement of the quality
assurance system.
Quality Objective
• The quality assurance plan has been developed and adopted to demonstrate Energy
Waves Contracting Company capability to control design, Supply, and installation process at
the project and satisfy the requirements of the contract documents. The project manager shall
ensure that this quality assurance plan is understood, implemented and maintained at all levels
in the company so that the specified and/or required quality standards are achieved.
• The quality assurance plan as a management tool shall provide guidelines to ensure
that all drawings and materials submittals comply with the project requirements and all the
site works are executed and completed in strict accordance with the approved drawings and
• The quality control program shall describe actions related to the physical characteristics
of the approved materials and processes which provide a means to ensure that the quality
requirements are complied with and strictly adhered to.
• Responsibilities of Various Organizations
Energy Waves Contracting Company Ltd. (Main Contractor)
• Comply with contract, specification, and requirements documents.
• Perform in accordance with the approved QA/QC program of a level required by
the project specifications and legal Saudi Authorities.
• Require and verify subcontractor’s supplier’s strict adherence to the contract
• Subcontractors
• Comply with the contract documents.
• Perform and document their internal QA/QC system of a level suitable for the project.
• Coordinate all their works with Energy Waves Contracting Company Ltd., and interface
with other subcontractors.
• Suppliers
• Supply materials in accordance with the contract documents and approved drawings.
• Perform and document an internal QA/QC program of a level suitable for the project.
Quality Control Program
• Objective
The program includes details of procedures, practices that shall be implemented to perform
required and specified inspections and test, as project quality control program. This when
implemented as part of and in conjunction with over all quality assurance program (repeated
hereafter for sequential presentation) will ensure full compliance with approved drawings
specifications and applicable codes and standards required for the project.
This program shall be strictly implemented and maintained by personnel who manage, perform
and verify works affecting quality at all levels within the Energy Waves Company .
On site inspections of delivered materials and equipment to assure product conformance
• Assessment of subcontractors and suppliers.
• Day-to-day control and monitoring of construction processes which directly affect
quality to ensure that these processes are carried out in compliance with approved
drawings, contract documents, applicable code specification and standard.
• Review of base design/SLD drawings and material submittals.
• Off site inspections at the point of manufacture of various products.
• Field testing and sampling as required by the project specifications or codes of standards.
• Off set testing performed by independent testing laboratory as required by the
contract documents, applicable codes, specifications and standard.
• Maintain daily record of information for as-built drawings.
• Maintain daily record of all quality assurance activities.
• Responsibilities of Project Quality Personnel
• Project Quality Manager (PQM)
Project quality manager will perform on behalf of Energy Waves Contracting Company Limited, the following functions:
• Ensure that the quality assurance plan is understood, implemented and maintained at all levels of the organization.
• Ensure that all materials/equipments fabricated outside or on site or received on site are inspected for contract compliance and are properly stored.
• Ensure that preliminary inspection is carried out before commencement of any new activity.
• Ensure that all testing is performed as required under the technical provisions of the contract specifications and ensure the client’s representative is notified in accordance
with contract provisions.
• Ensure maintenance of records of all quality control activities and that said records are
always available for the client’s use.
• Ensure that Q&M data is reviewed for completeness prior to submittal to the client.
• Ensure that as-built information is recorded daily on the quality assurance sections set of drawings.
• Ensure the adherence to all rules, regulations and by laws laid down by the project
manager and consultant representative in line with contract provisions and pertaining to
the manner, method and procedure of the execution of the works.
• Coordinate with independent testing laboratory for the required testing for construction activities.
• Coordination with Client
The project quality manager shall always keep consultant informed of the contractor’s activities
verbally and in writing. A summary of all quality assurance activities will be documented in
weekly QA report and submitted to consultant. The report shall also include test and inspection
results along with any actions taken to rectify deficiencies.
• Liaison
The project quality manager will keep liaison wit the procurement department of Energy
Waves Contracting Company Limited to ensure that material submitted complies with
the contracts documents.
• Review of Suppliers/Subcontractors
Subcontractors and suppliers shall be selected on the basis of their ability to meet the
contract requirements, including quality requirements and on records of their previously
demonstrated capacity and performance.
The appointed subcontractor/supplier shall ensure that their own or required quality
system are implemented and effective.
• The PQ manager will ensure that all suppliers/subcontractors activities comply with the contract documents and QA procedures.
• The PQ manager will ensure that all materials, products and services of suppliers
and subcontractors conform to the contract requirements.
• The PQ manager will ensure that approved materials, products and services
supplied and or executed by suppliers/subcontractors are installed in accordance
with drawings and specifications.
• Daily report shall include list of inspected materials and results.
• Proposed procedure for replacement of non-conforming product shall be reviewed by
site engineers, PQM and consultant representative prior approval shall be obtained for
proceeding with the repairs.
• Testing
The project quality manager shall ensure that all field tests as specified in the contract document
will be carried out.
Technical requirements for testing are detailed in each technical section of the project
specifications, where specific requirements such as tests and, specific performance requirements
and certifications are stated.
Following is a list of test as contained in the contract specifications. Wherever specific standards
are referred and frequency of test and acceptance criteria are also mentioned, then the same
are stated against the corresponding tests.
As-built Documents.
The quality control shall continually maintain an accurate record of all changes and
revisions of approved drawings which will provide a clear and actual record of completed
work. All registered changes and adjustments which were carried out shall be marked on
a set of approved drawings.
The quality control department shall maintain at the site one record set of all relevant
documents including a complete set of the latest revision of approved drawings issued
for construction which will be used for marking of all recorded field changes and
modifications. The as-built marked up drawings shall be kept in the project quality office and be made available for consultant
representative inspection whenever required.
The record set drawing shall be kept at the field office separate from documents used for
construction. Files and racks for current records drawings shall be provided. Drawings shall be
maintained in clean, dry and legible conditions.
When construction of a separately indefinable part of work is substantially complete, including
a portion of the work which is to be considered for partial initial acceptance or which is to be
turned over to the client for beneficial occupancy, and in any case prior to consideration of the
whole work for initial acceptance, the as-built records and information shall be transferred onto
originals of the approved drawings. The as-built documents shall be submitted to the consultant
representative for acceptance.